Thursday, August 8, 2019

Why i Hate Alcohol!

This was my tender Instagram post, today, Thursday, August 8, 2019

Please don't ask me why I hate alcohol! As a pastor, I have watched it destroy so many lives, marriages, families. Even now, I am watching vodka make a dear friend of mine its latest victim. His heart wants Jesus but his body is so addicted to alcohol that he cannot maintain a steady spiritual life. Because alcohol is poison to so many people I love, I hate it. I despise it. I do not hate people who are addicted to alcohol, obviously I love them, therefore I hate alcohol. It's a silent killer. Before you judge me as being judgmental know this: I'm just a broken-hearted lantern-waver. Don’t be one of those who ignores the warning and goes over the cliff and don’t be one who condones its use lest you lead others over the cliff by your example. Lord have mercy. Amen. 

Those who have The Holy Spirit have no need for "spirits". Lord, please defeat the demons of deception and deliver those who are having their lives destroyed by strong drink. In the Name of the One Powerful enough to save. Jesus. Amen. #FourWinds #PresenceMattersMost #NoInvisiblePeople #UNITY #Maranatha

1 comment:

Suzy Snowflake said...

"Those who have The Holy Spirit have no need for "spirits". " I absolutely LOVE this.