Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Rejoice When People Don’t Completely Understand You 

I must confess, for many years of my life, the one thing I disliked most was "not being completely understood by people." In fact, I often said aloud: "One of the greatest things about Heaven for me will be no misunderstanding There."

One day while reading the words of Oswald Chambers, I was set free of this idea of wanting everyone to completely understand me. I paraphrase his words: "Rejoice when people don’t completely understand you, because anyone who completely understands you is your God!"

I exhaled from deep within once I read these powerful words. Why? Because, I want Almighty God to be my God! Not mere people!

I still believe one of the greatest things about Heaven will be "no misunderstanding There." However, I now have more realistic expectations of people here on earth. People are not my God.

My Jesus-like Mom, Lady Melba, told me a while ago: "I learned to tell God alone about my problems and my burdens, because I’ve learned people cannot really understand me or help me, but He does and will."

There are people in my life right now who do not completely understand me. It’s not always easy, even painful and lonesome at times, but it is okay. Why? Because The Almighty God I am surrendered to understands me totally. Praise His Holy Name. 

This song seems to accent this blog post:


Presence Matters Most! No Invisible People!


Pastor Kerry Willis 

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