Monday, August 19, 2019

Revival Helps!

I have been blessed over my life, I mean my entire life, yes, since my childhood, to have had the help of revivals without end. 

As a young child, I used to sit on the front pew of our local church with my cassette tape recorder pointed towards the evangelist as the good news of Jesus was preached. 

As a young married man, and as the father of small children, revivals were often God’s way of showing me the way forward. 

Then, as a Bible College student, revivals often renewed my spirit and corrected spiritual slippage in my life. 

So, when I became a local pastor, revivals were immediately important and stayed important in the life of the local church I pastored for the full 24 years. It is impossible to measure the fruit God gave us during these focused seasons of seeking His face together.

Finally, I have preached revivals myself since 1992, two years before I pastored. Then, the local church I pastored understood that the words of John Wesley were branded on my heart: "The world is my parish" and so they supported me in preaching beyond our local church, encouraging other congregations to draw nearer to the Lord. 

As a district superintendent, I have continued to preach revivals. Nothing I do in this new calling will ever be more important than preaching God’s Holy Word in the pulpits of every place that invites me. 

Tonight, I closed out a four-service revival. My prayer is that true revival will continue long after the initial meetings are over. May the people be unified and our Lord glorified, even satisfied. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

I must testify: "Revival helps!"

2 Timothy 4:5 -- " the work of an evangelist..."

Psalm 85:6 -- "Won’t you revive us again, so Your people can rejoice again?"

Presence Matters Most! No Invisible People!


Pastor Kerry Willis 

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