Wednesday, August 7, 2019

When Ominous Storm-Clouds Suddenly Roll In (PEACE)

Today, Kim and I, went for a much needed season of exhale to a free, outdoor concert venue next to the sea here in South Jersey. 

We pulled out our beach chairs, got a $3 cone of shaved ice to share -- agreeing on lime-flavored -- and then sat with a friend and her family who had invited us, while gentle breezes blew across us for maybe an hour.

It doesn’t get much more relaxing for a couple of 58-year-olds than listening to an Eagles Tribute Band. They basically played and sang the sound-trac of our teen years. Yep, those good, old 70’s tunes. It really gave us a peaceful easy feeling. Really it did. But it was rather brief.

Brief? Yes, ominous clouds suddenly rolled in toward us. Now, I was raised on an island, so I have seen fast-approaching sea storms, but this one was more unique than any storm I can remember. So, we left our relaxed spot knowing rain was almost upon us. 

We arrived at our parked vehicle just before the bottom fell out. Others were not as fortunate. The storm came upon us so rapidly that it caught all of us almost, totally unaware. 

Just before I got to the parking lot, I turned my camera toward the skies. I’ve photographed many evening skies, this was the most mysterious to date. Maybe all of the anxiety in the atmosphere by so many people added to the mystery? Everyone was giving similar commentary as we made haste for cover with our eyes locked on the troubled horizon. 

All of this got me thinking about how sudden, spiritual storms often catch us without warning. And my next thought seemed even more profound. Spiritual storms in our lives never catch our Lord without warning. Why? He knows everything -- past, present and future. Nothing and no one sneaks up on Him. 

Also, He is the Peace-Speaker in our lives. So, even sudden storms are no worry to Him. No wonder He is the Only One we worship. Why, just three, one-syllable words from His lips -- "Peace, be still" -- can calm any and all threatening disturbances coming our way. Friends, The One called Wonderful has full-control of any worrisome weather approaching our lives.

So, at the end of this somewhat stormy day, my heart is so very delighted in knowing Jesus personally cares for me. I know He is The Master of the Sea, and guess what? He is also The Master of me.

Is He Your Peace when ominous clouds suddenly roll in on you? He wants be. Ask Him in. Now. 

Note: In the days ahead I will likely post images of the storm clouds I photographed today. The reason I don’t post photos more often and the reason I instead tend to post multiple images only occasionally, is that as Gypsies for Jesus in the Four Winds on wheels, strong WiFi is very iffy at best. Thanks for tuning in to my blog updates. Please continue to partner in prayer with and for us. We want to keep the faith until His face we see!

This song of peace has been gentle on my mind all-the-while as I have been writing this post:

(First link with lyrics)

(Second link A live presentation)

Presence Matters Most! No Invisible People!


Pastor Kerry Willis 

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Looking forward to those pictures....but recalling when there was no wifi or ability for instantaneous pictures. But ah, the eagles (birds of course) have always been with us as one of His early creations. Grateful you and Kim were able to get a little rest!