Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Volume 14 "Christmases Past"

Christmas represents a miracle for us and the whole human race -- for "unto us a Child is born" to be our Savior from Sin.

And memories of "Christmases Past" race through my mind very often. As a result, I have been writing down words to  communicate "What I Miss Most About Christmases Past."

As my mind races backward today to yesterday's treasures, I miss my whole family being together and especially everyone being healthy.

I remember a certain Christmas Eve at my Granny Margery's and Granddaddy Gray's homeplace. Their home was such a safe place for me and even today I can still sense the comfort I felt that particular Christmas Eve in their living room. 

In the glow of the Christmas lights, I can see all of our family laughing and enjoying one another and basking in good health. Across the generations of our family, from my young brothers and me, my young Dad and Mom, then my older Grandparents and even my very old, Great Aunt Lizzie, we were all enjoying a short, but sure season of good health. 

The reason I am remembering good health during these Holy Days is very obvious. Yesterday, December 16, 2013, I got a phone call from my own Dad. After an ambulance ride to the local hospital, Dad tenderly told me that a MRI revealed a mass at the base of his spine. He was then transported last evening to Greenville Medical Center in my native North Carolina. While there are yet many unknowns about my Dad's physical wellness, Dad assured me that it is well with His soul.

So, more than thinking about "Christmases Past", today I am thanking God for the Hope of "Christmas Present". Though we are not sure about the physical wellness of our family, my heart sings out with this song of the season:

"All is well. Go and tell... Emmanuel." Indeed, "God is with us and within us." Blessed Christmas.


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