Monday, December 9, 2013

Old or New?

Today, I helped officiate a funeral for a 97-year-old lady who was part of our local church family -- Mrs. Dorothy Viola Halterman Lee. My mind has been so full thinking of all the changes and transitions she surely encountered during her life.

Mrs. Dorothy went to bed Thursday night as an old lady in her one-bedroom apartment and Jesus woke her up sometime before sunrise on Friday morning in her brand new home. What a powerful thought! No doubt she traded old pains and aches for new rest and healing.

At the benediction, I read from Revelation 21. Especially these words spoken by The Glorified Christ in verse 5 are so powerful: "I am making everything new again!"

If this were to be your final night on planet earth, are you confident Jesus would wake you up Brand New?

If not, talk to Jesus. Tell Him you want to turn from old and look forward to the new. He will help you turn from sin and turn to Him. Take it from me, walking in the Light beats running with the devil.   


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