Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Praying For You -- Goodbye Old Hello New

Here on the East Coast of the United States, it's less than seven hours until 2013 is eclipsed by 2014. As I write, evening shadows have all but cancelled out the light of this final December day, and I am taking time to fervently pray.

"May you know the One Who is Peace, especially so in times of transition -- The One called 'The Truth, Jesus The Nazarene'.

I ask The Lord to strengthen you -- heart, mind, soul and strength -- with His Precious, Blessed, Always-Present Holy Spirit.

How I hope that yesterday's memories of God's faithfulness will follow you for all the days and nights for the rest of your precious life, and how earnestly I pray that His Holy Presence will be your Sacred Home both now and forever more.

I ask all of these requests at The Merciful Throne of our Almighty Personal God, yes and all in the marvelous and matchless Name of the One called Wonderful. 

May you be undeniably inspired in His sight until His face your eyes embrace in That Eternal Day! Amen and Amen and Amen!" 


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