Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Beautiful Opportunity

Let us not forget the sacred preseason that leads us to the Glorious Main Event of our Lord's Resurrection year-after-year. Yes, as Henri Nouwen said, The Lenten Season offers a beautiful opportunity to discover the mystery of Christ within us.

So let's sacredly soak in the seven-word, secret message written in Colossians 1:27 -- Christ in you, the hope of glory. And let's get the secret message out during the Lenten Season and every season.

IF MY PEOPLE... WILL? I WILL! God's Promise in 2 Chron. 7:14.


pastor paul said...

Seeking the Savior for satisfaction!

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Only Christ in us, satisfies.

Martin LaBar said...

Thanks for reminding us that Lent is for all Christians.

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

I believe it is for sure. A season for soul-searching and growing more intimate with God and others.