Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Passion Week During COVID-19 Season

Well, to say the least, this is the most different Passion Week I’ve ever experienced, but different doesn’t necessarily mean bad. I mean there are some bad things associated with Passion Week colliding with COVID-19 this year, like all of the death and grief around the world attributed to the virus, however, that first Passion Week was also characterized by some bad things, mostly endured by Christ alone, including His own death and the grief of all who have ever loved Him.

Could it be, that while this is a most different season for us to remember our Lord’s Passion, it also could be the the most identical to that first Passion Week our Lord experienced? I mean, Jesus experienced it really personally and vulnerably and this year with no public Easter Church gatherings, will it not likely be the most personal and vulnerable Passion Week we’ve ever known?

So, what am I saying in a simple sentence? This promises to be a very upfront and truly personal Passion Week. 

We must passionately lean in, friends of Jesus, friends of mine. Without the usual and meaningful rituals and practices associated with our "normal" Passion Weeks of the past, 2020 will be "abnormal" but what if "abnormal" is really more like the original Passion Week was some 2,000 years ago? In other words, let’s not miss what God might be doing this year. I believe it will have an immediate effect and lasting value for us.

If you haven’t seen my Passion Week YouTubes, here are a couple links for you to review. I pray something I said will cause you to be beautifully lost in wonder, love, and praise, and sacredly cause you to worship the One Who was lifted up in death that we all might be drawn to Him for eternal life. King Jesus is His Most Holy Name!

Passion Week Prelude --

The Jerusalem Cross --

HERE! Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis

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