Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Four Winds Forecast -- 6 Minute Video Drill

[This is the newsletter for Philadelphia District Church of the Nazarene and is shared here for those who partner with us in prayer.]

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Dearly Beloved Philadelphia District Pastors and Leaders: 

One of the last books i read as a local pastor was titled "Leaders Eat Last." The author is Simon Sinek. It is a secular book on leadership, but it surely helped me to cast spiritual vision for the local staff, church board, and the congregation i served. 

In fact, let me share something personal. The most emotionally moving comment i heard when i left the local church to become a district servant was from one of my loyal staff members. He had been with me 23 years. With tears in his eyes he said: "Pastor Kerry, one of the hardest things for me about you leaving is that I know you still have vision for this local church." He was right. (i later learned that some of that vision was for the Philadelphia District. God is good like that.) 

The book i referenced above was part of the reason i still had vision as a local church pastor right up to the end. God used a few ideas in it to stir my soul.

As a local pastor i actually went by the title "vision pastor." Why? Because i believed and still believe Proverbs 29:18, "Where there is no vision the people perish!" i also believe a saying that i heard years ago: "Where there is no vision, the people find another parish!"

Pastor Kerry, what are you saying, exactly? I am merely attempting to share a message of encouragement. There is no time like an urgent and unexpected transitional season for God to renew our vision as leaders. Yes, to stir our souls as His servant leaders. 

COVID-19 is surely a different season for everyone, nevertheless, we can come out of this revisioned and poised to be the church that is needed for present and for future generations.

Below you will find a link to a six-minute video. It is the final portion of a recorded Zoom call that includes the author of the book I have referenced, Simon Sinek, and a huddle he recently had with his own staff. (Remember, this is not a church staff meeting, it is a secular business staff meeting.)

What might we learn from this simple, but profound, six-minute business video about rebooting the local church and refreshing our vision as local church leaders? 

It helps us ask questions like, but not limited to:

1. What needs to change in the local church? 

2. What needs to change in us? 

3. Will we trust the Holy Spirit to lead us to be all we can be as the present and future leaders our Lord is looking to lead His local bodies of believers? 

Testimony time: For the record, I am already making changes for myself as a district servant. Also, I am revisioning the things I do and the reasons I do them. 

Serving the church will never ever be the same again. And that’s wonderfully frightening to me. Invigorating, in fact. 

Now, finally, here’s the clip. Thanks for your patience. i welcome your feedback but it’s not expected.

* This emailing was inspired by an email i received from a leader who was my local pastor in the early 1990s, Dr. Woodie Stevens. He may be beyond 70-years-young, but he is still leading with passion and unafraid of leadership refocusing. That’s inspiring, even invigorating, in itself to my soul.

HERE! Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis

District Servant (Superintendent)

Philadelphia District 

Church of the Nazarene

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