Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Vulnerable Prayer For Us All During The COVID-19 Season 

Dearest our Loving and Faithful Father God, by the Power of Your Holy Spirit of Truth we humbly yet confidently approach Your Throne of Mercy in the Name of Your Son and our Savior -- Jesus of Nazareth and King of Heaven -- yes, we cry out in His Awesome and Almighty and Amazing Name, the one Name that is above all other names!

We have been blindsided by this Coronavirus, nevertheless, You have known forever we would face these dark days and You have never forsaken us and You will never ever forsake Your own!

We look only to You, for You alone have the words of Life even though our enemies -- the devil, death, and hell -- seek to immediately disillusion us and even eventually destroy us.

Yet we remember! You have already conquered death, so what can death do to us for we belong exclusively to You? You are our Resurrection, indeed, yes, our Life Everlasting.

Trim our lamp wicks so Your wonder-filled light within our lives will illuminate our neighborhoods, even the nations. Let us declare that we are among the redeemed. In this seemingly hopeless season, shine Your Forever Hope brightly from us, Your sanctified sanctuaries. 

For the virus that is among us, we ask for victory whether it be by Your faithful virtue or by a vaccine. But most of all we ask that these days of darkness will cause an awakening like this world has never known.

Lord, let Your Church rise up and really embody and engage the search and rescue operation You had in mind when You declared about Yourself: "The Son of Man came to seek and to save those who are lost!"

Almighty Personal God, give to us the continuation of Your Holy Presence among us, yes even with us and especially within us. Let us be carriers of Your compassion to family, neighbor, and stranger alike.

Finally, help our unbelief and uncertainty to be beautifully transformed into trust and trustworthiness. For Your glory and for the good of those who do not yet acknowledge that You, Jesus, are The Answer -- whatever the question -- please receive and respond to our vulnerable prayer.

In Your Victorious Name and by Your Powerful Blood, we desperately and fervently pray.

Amen, Amen, and Amen.

HERE! Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis


Anonymous said...

Beautiful and powerful in the Holy Spirit! Thank you, Pastor Kerri! Blessings on you and your family.

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Your kind words appreciated. Just remember Jesus cares!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that encouragin prayer.