Thursday, January 16, 2020

Pastors as Prayer Leaders 

Dearest Pastors:

We must be sure to model prayer as ministers of The Gospel, lest we become misrepresentations of The Gospel. And please, let’s passionately and urgently, yet tenderly call people to prayer.

Pastor, never take for granted that those who attend your church are fervently praying. 

Here’s an outline for prayer in our lives:

1. We should pray fervently in our closets (in our private spaces). Jesus did. 

2. We should pray fervently in our clusters (in partnerships, in small groups). Jesus did. 

3. We should pray fervently in our congregations (in public, yes, corporately). Jesus did. 

Want to try an easy experiment? This weekend, log how much time your worship service actually dedicates to praying. It may disturb you into devoting more time to prayer. 

Trying this simple experiment deeply disturbed and somewhat embarrassed me once. It’s true. When I logged our actual prayer time during a worship service, I was troubled at how little time we had dedicated to prayer. I enacted change immediately as the local pastor, making sure more prayer emphasis and more prayer experience became our new and necessary reality. I know God honored it and it honored God.

Pastors, you have been given a sacred trust. Use your leadership influence to increase intercession in your congregation. Christ in you is the Hope! You can do it, if you desire to be a leader from the knees up by spending more time with your knees down ... all the while inviting others to do the same.

And... you are welcome. :) 

HERE! Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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