Friday, March 15, 2019

Praying for You Really Matters to Me! (An Open Prayer Letter)

This is an open prayer letter that I sent earlier to the District Advisory Board members of the Philadelphia District Church of the Nazarene where I am District Superintendent. 

Pray with us and for us and include your own precious life in these vulnerable prayer petitions as well. I am a debtor to Jesus and to each of you who pray for me and with me. 

Here’s the open prayer letter:

Dearest DAB Brothers and Sisters: 

I want to let you know this today: "Praying for you really matters to me." So I am praying for you even now:

Dearest our Loving Lord God:

I lift each of our DAB members and their families and their concerns to Your Throne of Mercy because You are our Caring God. Your Mercy endures forever.

Lord, give us as individuals and as a team, a "GOD-CAN" kind of faith. Let Your grace and goodness make us optimists. You are Good and Great and Greatly to be praised!

Lead us to love You with our all and to love one another like true Jesus-believers should, so that our families, our local churches, the district and even the world will know that we are Your devoted disciples. We want to be Your real worshippers!

There are surely specific needs in each of our individual lives, perhaps even unspoken, nevertheless, You know our needs and You will never abandon any of us. Help us to have Hope and Peace in Your mysterious and marvelous ways, a Hope and Peace that goes beyond our own limited scope of understanding.

Sustain us Jesus, as Your true believers. Flow Your resources our way so that we might make good on the Mission You have left in our hands. "To reach the lost before it’s too late" is our fixed focus. Reach through us, reminding us that Your "Presence Matters Most," O sweet Savior, our Lord. Be ever with us and even within us. 

Finally, Loving Lord, let us know Your mind in all things and enable us to live lives always above reproach as entrusted leaders. Be our Unity! Help us to prove our loyalty to you, to one another and to the Church, Your Bride. Place the awe and wonder of Holy Spiritual expectancy in our hearts, minds, souls, and strength. 

We pray all of this trusting wholeheartedly in Your Name, that is above all others names -- Jesus, The Nazarene. Amen and Amen. 

Presence Matters Most!

That is... Presence. Unity. Souls. Love. 

Pastor Kerry Willis

District Superintendent

Philadelphia District 

Church of the Nazarene

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