Monday, September 4, 2017

Reset Button

It's true, my summer has been super busy with mostly kingdom business. At times I wondered if I would actually catch my breath, nevertheless, I know it was all orchestrated by my Lord. So all is well.

Now, it's the morning of Labor Day, and I sense some exhale in my schedule. Over the past few weeks, my family and I were able to have a couple of refreshing seasons together, and today, I feel as if the reset button has been engaged and slow motion is somehow entering what has been a beautiful commotion. And I am so grateful. So very grateful. It is well with my soul, friends. 

While I have been one who journals prayers for much of my life, the season I've just come through found most all of my prayers spontaneously given rather than thoughtfully written, yet, last evening as I was standing in my home office, my eyes fell upon my prayer journal and I had an undeniable desire to pick it up and place it under my daily-reading Bible. And this morning, I so enjoyed taking the pen and expressing my full heart on the empty journal pages to my Jesus.

So, our lives go in seasons or as my dad used to say, "in cycles."  I am glad I have survived and even thrived through a busy cycle of my life and am hoping now for a more margin-filled time of living as I am looking forward. 

I believe hope has replenished in my heart, mind, soul and strength. I do not know if this season I am experiencing right now will last for months or for minutes, but I am presently grateful just to know the nail-scarred hand of my Master has pressed the reset button of my being today. 

"Worship Only God!" Rev. 22:9 NLT


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