Friday, September 19, 2014

Steadfast Faith That is Anchored

As I am on sabbatical with about three weeks remaining, many of you know my Dad, Capt. Billy, has been completing a round of radiation for recurring cancer.

Dad is feeling new strength and has a great appetite. Last evening he told me he enjoyed the best meal perhaps of his life, as Mom cooked Stewed Carolina Blue Crabs for their supper.

On Tuesday, September 23, Dad goes to UNC Medical Center to get options for his future treatment. His inspiring comments on that upcoming visit were: "Nevertheless, I will not worry!" Some people wilt spiritually when suffering comes, but my Dad -- through His trust in our Almighty, Personal, and Very Present Holy God -- has gloried in it all. It's been amazing to witness.

A dear church board member, Debbie, sent me this message recently. It so touched my heart that I asked her if I could share a portion of her message to me with all of you on my blog. She agreed. Listen in:

Dear Pastor Kerry:

I sent these words from my devotion in a card to your Dad the other day and I thought I would share them with you. Praying they will be an encouragement to you.

"God enjoys our faith in any season in life, but the trust we display in the dark is far more precious than gold. Nothing overcomes the enemy's tactics or thwarts his desires more clearly than that. When everything seems stacked against us and we trust God, praise him, and lean on him anyway, we have won invisible victories that are visibly celebrated in Heaven. Our faith in the dark is treasured by God." -- Chris Tiegreen, Experiencing God's Presence

Celebrating the many victories you and your Dad have won because of your steadfast faith that is anchored in our Lord and Savior.


Grateful (... and encouraged... me & my Dad)  

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