Thursday, January 30, 2014

Human Striving or Holy Strength

Human striving is a sorry substitute for Holy strength. Too often we as mere people give more attention to expending our own limited resources than we do in trusting God and His unlimited supply.

As I grow older, I realize more and more that I am anything but independent. Not only am I dependent on God for every breath, but I also find I am dependent on Him for everything else that will last.

I often find myself praying the lyrics of an old 1500's hymn: "God Be in My Head." It's true. Every good and perfect gift is from Above, especially every good and perfect thought is from Almighty God. Oh my, how I so depend on God to develop deep within me The Mind of Christ.

Friends, I surely depend on God for my soul's encouragement. As I listen to the competing voices of this world, it seems too many, maybe even most, have yielded to temptation and are embracing sin instead of yielding to Christ and letting Him embrace them. It's extremely painful and overwhelming to my soul. Yet, in it all, even though my strength is often depleted, I call out to The Lord and He hears and soothes my troubled soul with His Peaceful Presence.

So, today, and day-by-day, let us fall on Jesus and live. While we pray for Holy Spiritual renewal in our world, ultimately we can only choose Christ for ourselves. 

Will we remain on the Lord's side? Will we surrender our human striving for His Holy strength? Will we let Him be our Everything?

I will. 

Holiness Unto The Lord!


Kris said...

...but those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. The words of Isaiah 40:31 from NLT for us today. You are loved and prayed for as well as all those who read your blog today.

KLW said...

Father God I am useless without you. I am purposeless without you. I am worthless without you. Please, I need your help. Please help me to live my life just for you. God, I want to live my life knowing that my life is in your hands and that I can trust in you. Help me to trust in you. Help me to have love for others and love for myself. Help me to know without a doubt that my worth rests in you. Not in what others think of me or my performance on earth. I have worth because Jesus loves me and died for me. I am totally dependent on your strength for everything. I have so many flaws that only you can make up for. God, I trust that you will help me. You are a good God.

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

You both have encouraged me and will continue to, no doubt!!!

Mark Spruill said...

Pastor Kerry,

Thank you for sharing this post. I too often substitute human striving for Holy strength. It's not like I do it consciously. It just slowly creeps back into my thinking until I become all uptight, trying to make things happen by my own efforts. This is especially pertinent as I prepare for ministry in Haiti next month.

Looking for and expecting His Holy strength. And praying for an overflowing dose of it for you.
