Thursday, August 1, 2013

"Favor On So Many Levels"

Based on my July 16, 2013, blog post "There's a Sparrow on My Shoulder" and the message I preached last Sunday, July 28, 2013, at our local church titled "Presence", I received this inspiring e-mail reply:

Hi Pastor Kerry,
     I have been bursting at the seams for days now! After listening to your encounter with the Holy One in South Carolina!. After hearing the whole story, I realized, God had been showing you favor on so many levels, it was mind boggling! I have had these experiences too.
    You know before you went into the hospital, Jesus sent you a sparrow; something you had been caring for and loving unconditionally and studiously watching out for their welfare, as God instructed you to do. So did Jesus, do the same for you.  He knew of your impending situation, he also knew of your loyalty and love for Him, but most of all your trust in Him.
     It's sounds like when your day started, you were  a little unsure of yourself.  Jesus sent the Sparrow ahead of Himself to help you through the day.  When you were praying over the congregation the Lord needed you to rest and calm yourself, the sparrow landed on your shoulder.  He brought peace to you and reassurance that He not only loves you, but you are very important to Him. He trusts you too. And He sees your compassion in everything you do, and your heart is the best place where life flows. I also believe He said "Thank-you my good and faithful servant."
    I hope to hear and share more stories like this so our young can find where hope lives.

P.S. If you'd like to listen to the July 28, 2013 message I preached titled "Presence" you can access the audio file by going to and clicking on the "media" banner.

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