Monday, February 24, 2020

"Going" by Pastor James Spruill

Last week I posted a Life Lesson written by my mentor, Pastor James Spruill. Here’s another. You’re welcome. 



It is time we obeyed the command of Jesus to GO. Going is not easy. We have done lots of things to keep from going. We want our Churches to grow so we do all kinds of things to get people to come. It is easier to give money for a musical concert in an effort to get people to come to Church than it is to mow our neighbor’s lawn. Money cannot do our work for us. Money can’t go. Going is about presence. It is about heart and compassion. You can’t pay another person to do your work. Pastors are not paid to do our work. No one can go for us. Why is it easier to go on a mission trip to another part of the world than it is to go across the street? A person living in a big house, driving an expensive car with high paying job can be just as lost as a person living in a mud shack in another part of the world. Going to me means we are to make the first move, it is taking the initiative . It is more important to knock on the door of a person’s heart than to knock on the door of their house. Jesus is the great example of this when he called a man down from a tree. He didn’t invite him to the synagogue he went to his house. He met the Samaritan woman at a well and reached for her hurting heart. Jesus was a goer. He walked the streets of the city, spent time on the mountain side, cooked breakfast by the sea. I suspect that the big beautiful Cathedrals of Europe are empty today because the members failed to go. No amount of money spent on a building can cause people to come if we do not go first. Could it be that one reason for the decline of Church attendance is our failure to GO? Enticing programs can never take the place of compassionate hearts. Just the way I see it. 

-- James F. Spruill

(Matthew 28:19-20) "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. (NKJV)

HERE! Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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