Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Seemingly Wintry Season, Spiritually... (One Voice Calling for Prayer for Awakening)

I recently wrote these words down during a set aside quiet season of seeking God:

"Lord, our world is in a seemingly wintry season, spiritually. We sense that we need a God-appointed awakening." -kww 

Lord, I don’t know what else I can do, but to call people to prayer. Lord let us resort to prayer, expecting a real revival to be the results. 

My heart was drawn this morning early to 2 Corinthians 7:14 NLT -- "Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."

Shortly after saturating in this sacred Scripture verse, I took a prayer walk in the brisk morning winter breezes of the woods behind our cottage. 

As I walked, my prayers suddenly broke into wonder, love and praise, as I cried out to the Lord:

"Come Holy Spirit, we need Thee.

Come sweet Spirit, we pray. 

Come in Your strength and Your Power.

Come in Your own gentle way."

My prayer continued: 

Lord, if you are looking these days for one servant to stand in the gap so You can appoint an awakening in Your world? Here I am! Lord, I do not belong to myself; I belong exclusively to You! Have Thine own way, with Your clay, today! 

I know I only have one voice, but today, I am using that one voice to call Your people, Lord, to fervent prayer for such a time as this. Let the Summer Breezes of Your Holy Spirit blow across the wintry season of Your Church until this world of Yours is once again lost only in Your Life and Your Love and Your Light!

In the Name of Jesus!

Amen and Amen and Amen!

Extra: If you are interested, I also sent a call to prayer by email to those who lead alongside me on the District Staff and District Advisory Board of the Philadelphia District Church of the Nazarene. Here it is: 

Dearest District Advisory Board: 

Today and tomorrow, February 27 and 28, l am taking a quiet season to pray specifically, to fervently seek the Lord, and to make deep intercession for our upcoming district assembly gathering and to pray for others under my responsibility and alongside me in my life's calling. 

You, my district partners in leadership, will especially be in my heart and on my mind during this set-aside laboratory of love. 

If you personally have time for a season of quiet to pray and seek the Lord, yes, to make intercession for the district and for others (even if it's only a half-hour or hour) please join me in prayer as well. 

If you have specific prayer requests please feel free to entrust them with me confidentially and/or if you so choose, please feel free to share any personal prayer requests in a "reply all" email to this email so we can lift one another and one another's needs before the Throne of Mercy. Praying dearly for one another is deeply loving one another. 

Let us as God’s people on the Philadelphia District, pray and obey and ask The Nazarene to have His way with His clay, for such a time as this. Let us also pray for a spiritual awakening in our world that seems to be in a season of winter spiritually. Amen and Amen. 

HERE! Presence Matters Most! 

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis

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