Thursday, May 30, 2019

Fear of Thunderstorms, etc. 

I heard someone say recently: "Thunderstorms scare me half to death!" Honestly, for me, I like the thunder (i admit I am a drummer, so maybe that helps) and even the storm that accompanies thunder brings a cool sense of comfort to my depths. On the other hand, I will confess that the lightning sometimes can be worrisome to me. 

As I write this blog, there’s a severe thunderstorm underway outside the cottage here in Cape May and so far I am enjoying it. Perhaps so because all of the window shades are closed and no bolts of lightning have lit up the covered windows or hit somewhere close by... yet? A few near misses of lightning and I may get a little unsettled.

It’s all about perspective and experience I suppose. For example, I heard of someone in the last year that is scared half to death by dogs. You know why, the growling isn’t that bothersome, but he’s been bitten a few times by bad dogs. Now, all dogs are worrisome for him. This person even jumped out of a second floor window once because a dog came in the room. (I could be wrong, but maybe a fear of heights would’ve been more helpful in that situation than a fear of dogs?)

Anyway, our fears are many and quite unique. Some fear planes, some fear darkness, some fear spiders, some fear snakes, some fear public speaking, some fear water, some fear rollercoasters, some even fear jello and the list goes on and on.

In the King James Version of the Holy Bible we read "Fear not" or "Do not be afraid" 103 times. I’d say God knew fear would try to at least paralyze our lives, if not devastate us. 

I recently heard a pastor confess that "flying" is a fearful thought to him, yet once God called him to go to an island in the Caribbean on a mission trip, and he went. All his fears were proven unfounded. In fact, flying to the Dominican Republic became a highlight of his life. That’s because obeying God is always more important that our feelings and especially our feelings of fear.

Which brings me to my point. Many Jesus-believers are afraid to talk to others about Jesus, yet Jesus said in Acts 1:8, "And you will be my witnesses." But He beautifully prefaced that command with these words: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..." 

By simple faith, profound hope and God’s amazing love, let’s overcome our fears moment-by-moment and let’s make some holy highlights -- dare I say -- even squeeze some holy living out of anything that would dare try to scare us half to death. In the Name of Jesus, I pray fear will not have the last word or even the next word in our lives. Amen. So be it! 

P.S. That thunderstorm has passed and all is at peace inside and outside the cottage now. Good night. Sleep tight. And don’t allow fear to run or to ruin your life.  

Presence Matters Most! No Invisible People!


Pastor Kerry Willis 

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