Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Easily Overwhelmed: A Prayer of Confession

My Prayer of Confession, today, and most every day. 

Lord Jesus, it is all too obvious to me, just through my own life experience, that we as humans are quite easily overwhelmed. 

Without You, we can do nothing. This truth You spoke in John 15, and it’s all so true. Without Your presence, I am absent from real living. You are Life to me. 

Discouragement often invades the human mind, sorrows the human heart, and, yes, quite easily overwhelms the human soul. We need You if we are to be overcomers in all that overwhelms us. 

So Lord, do not abandon us. We would not last 5 seconds spiritually apart from Your great mercy and amazing grace. Consider our overwhelming weakness and give to us more love, more power, more of You in our lives. Amen. 

Presence Matters Most!
That is... Presence. Unity. Souls. Love. 

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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