Monday, September 2, 2013

I Still Marvel at God's Mysterious Ways

Labor Day in the USA is all but over. It's been a day spent with my immediate family so far. (And I am grateful.)

Today, we went with our daughter and son-in-law to look at vehicles. They need transportation. (Don't we all?)

Anyway, if you've ever visited car lots trying to find the right ride, you are familiar with the stress. Our day was that way. (But God was in it all.)

While we were closing the sale, we learned that the salesman and his bride were married by my brother in Lynchburg, Virginia. It was a God-thing. (Yet, it gets better,)

After we finally sealed the deal and we were literally leaving the showroom (following a stranger-than-life-Twilight-Zone experience in the Finance and Insurance office), I heard a tender voice saying, "Pastor Kerry". It warmed the heart in this old worn-out body of mine.

The lady calling my name was a sales lady at the dealership. She had passed me several times but I had not realized that I actually knew her. 

As we talked, I immediately recognized who she was. A few years ago I met her and prayed for and comforted her in the painful passing of her young, beloved son, following a house fire. Her pain was so deep, and still is. 

Right there at the exit of the car store, I enveloped her weak, trembling frame in a strong holy hug. Tears came into her eyes. Mine, too. I knew immediately that my whole day of helping my family members shop for cars... sacredly boiled down... to that solitary embrace of a young mom, still grieving the absence of her lost boy.

While I don't pretend to comprehend the loss of a young mother's son in such a seemingly tragic way, I do still marvel at God's mysterious ways. His detail in the timing of our lives, to help others, humbles me beyond words.

Afterwards our family of five went to the Japanese Restaurant for supper. Even though the fire of the Hibachi grill was undeniably hot, it didn't come close in comparing to the holy spiritual temperature that my heart aflame felt as The Lord chose to comfort that single, precious, broken mother through the likes of my spontaneous embrace. Was it a God-appointment? I am assured of it!

Please pray that hope ignited within her soul, too. I choose to believe it did. Amen.



KLW said...

There is evidence of God’s love all around us, we just need to recognize it. A stranger’s all-too-perfectly timed random act of kindness. A deceased loved one who appears to you in a dream just when you need her most. A delayed flight that leads to an unexpected family reunion. These events are more than mere coincidences. They are proof that God’s love, God’s grace and God’s mercy are indeed revealed in Mysterious Ways.

Mark Spruill said...

Wow, what a neat story! It is encouraging to hear how God works in ways we can not even comprehend. I suppose, maybe He really is in control. ;-)

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Ya think. Amen.