Saturday, April 7, 2012

They Took Him Down

Click here: They Took Him Down/The Witness/A Recitation

They took Him down, His poor, dead body.
They took Him down, His poor, pale body,
drained of life, ashen and stained
with its own life's blood.

His healing hands now pierced and still.
Serving hands that broke five loaves to feed five thousand,
Holy hands, often folded in fervent prayer,
Poor, gentle hands, now pierced and still.

His poor, torn feet, now bloodied and cold.
Feet that walked weary miles to bring Good News to broken hearts,
Feet once washed in penitent's tears,
Poor, torn feet, now bloodied and cold.

His Kingly Head made for a crown,
Now crowned with thorns.
His poor Kingly Head crowned with thorns..

His gentle chest, now pierced by spear thrust, quiet, still...
His poor loving chest.

His piercing eyes, now dark and blind.
Eyes of compassion, warming the soul.
Fiery eyes, burning at sin.
Tender eyes, beckoning sinners.
His piercing eyes, now dark and blind.

His matchless voice, fountain of The Father's thoughts.
Stopped. Stilled. To speak no more. Silence now..............

Where once had flowed wisdom and comfort, Spirit and life,
His matchless voice, stilled to speak no more.

They took Him down, His poor dead body,
And prepared Him for His burial.

Sunday's Coming... (See note below)

Note: Today's blog is posted for the glory of Jesus Christ and in honor of Thomas Kinkade, "The Painter of Light", who passed away yesterday, yes on Good Friday, at age 54 in his home in San Francisco. Though reports hint that the painter ran into some darkness towards the end of life, his paintings still blessed many people with a near-heavenly light. We entrust his soul to the Creator of Light.

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