Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Going Home

Yes, it really is 2:51 a.m. as I write this particular blog post. I just returned home a while ago after being with a dear husband whose wife passed away tonight. After fifty years of marriage, he had to watch the funeral director roll the body of his beloved sweetheart out the front door of their home never to return again. Indeed, it is heart-wrenching to witness.

Before I left, I was honored to pray a prayer of comfort and assurance with the family and friends gathered to begin their grieving process. The precious wife and mother was trusting the Lord for Eternal Life, so gladness was mingled beautifully with their grief. Actually, the husband said, "Don't take me wrong, pastor, but I am actually relieved that her suffering is over." It was a clear declaration of his true compassion for his beloved.

While we have not yet entered the details of the home-going celebration service, the husband did say what song must be sung. Yes, that old hymn of the church titled "Going Home." It was his wife's favorite.

Take a listen to the song posted below and as you do breathe a prayer for my dear friends as they await reunion in Heaven.

We do not grieve as those who have no hope. -- 1 Thess. 4:13


Anonymous said...

their reunion wll be a glorious one.may they take comfort in knowing where she is and that her sufferingis heart goes out to this family...

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

So grateful for your kind words of encouragement and prayers. Blessings to you.