Friday, November 29, 2019

Time Flies. Eternity Approaches.

It would be an understatement to say I personally get sentimental during the holidays. To be unplugged a few days with my immediate family, while fire-logs are glowing in the background always makes my heart tender and my eyes misty. 

It is a great mystery to me just considering how rapidly time flies. Just thinking about the quick passage of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and even decades, astounds and confounds my human mind.

I am thankful I am a Jesus-believer because that’s the only way I can ever hope to overcome the overwhelming feelings that come along with the rapid passage of time on earth. Yes, in the face of the stark reality that cries out: "Time flies," I hold tightly onto a marvelous, wonder-filled, truth that tops time -- "Eternity approaches."

Two victorious verses penned by The Apostle Paul in the New Testament hold me strongly:

(1) Philippians 1:21 -- For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

(2) 2 Corinthians 5:8 -- To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. 

So, it is written, "Jesus is The Life!" And it is also written on my soul: "Jesus is my Life and my Eternity!" Therefore, whether I am here on earth or there in eternity, all is well! Jesus is Present! For forever and a day!

I feel one of my favorite words of the faith coming on -- "Maranatha!" "Maranatha" is rooted in the final four words of Revelation 22:20 -- "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" In other words, "So what, time surely flies! Exhale! Eternity surely approaches!" As the old-timers used to say: "Things can only get gooder for those of us who belong exclusively to the Good Lord!" 

I am sharing two of my most favorite song links today, just in case you need some eternal perspective while still here on earth.

Presence Matters Most! No Invisible People!


Pastor Kerry Willis 

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