Tuesday, January 8, 2019

My Daddy’s Favorite Psalm

Today, I was reminded of my Daddy’s favorite Psalm. It’s Psalm 107. Yes, as a boat captain who loved Jesus passionately, he often quoted this portion penned by the Psalmist and verse 29 is engraved on his tombstone. 

Cape May, New Jersey Lighthouse, where my Dad was in the Coast Guard Reserves in early 1960s. 

TKe 2: Cape May Lighthouse behind St. Mary’s By The Sea Convent 

Cape May Shore at Sunset Beach on the Atlantic Ocean just after sunset 

Presence Matters Most!
That is... Presence. Unity. Souls. Love. 

Pastor Kerry Willis 


Sandy said...

Love the Cape May connection that our Lord gave you! Keep shining....

Unknown said...

It’s an invigorating location for the son of a fisherman and a fisherman for the son.