Thursday, January 24, 2019

Finish "Your" Course

From 2 Timothy 4:7 ..."finish your course...

Leaving the local church that I pastored faithfully and loved dearly (for 24 years) was heart-wrenching. Nevertheless, surrendering and going with God to the next harvest field was right. The powerful words "in quotes" below helped me so very much. A great perspective. I’m glad to have handed that precious, holy work over to a young, wonderful successor, and humbled to have been called to put my hand to another one’s kingdom plow for a while. 

"We are not responsible for finishing everything we begin, it may be our part only to begin it; the carrying on and finishing of it may be the work of others. They may be those we know or do not know and perhaps others not yet born. We all enter into the work of those who have gone before us, and others who come after us will in return enter into our work. Our duty simply is to do -- well and faithfully -- our own little part. Why fret over what we cannot do when that which we can do will occupy all our time? What we cannot do is not our responsibility. It belongs to some other worker, waiting even now, perhaps, in some obscure place, who at the right moment will come forth with new zeal and dedicated skill, anointed for his task."

-- Streams in the Desert, Volume Two

Presence Matters Most!

That is... Presence. Unity. Souls. Love.

Pastor Kerry Willis 


Sandy said...

Great perspective and powerful reminder. Thank you!

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

You are kind and beloved.