Saturday, September 24, 2011

Answers Out Of The Storm

If you are presently in a life-storm, yes if you are barely surviving a confusing season of life where God seems to be silent, maybe even absent, take heart, for while the wind is blowing, the rain is pouring, the lightning is striking, and the thunder is booming, you just might be about to get an answer from the Lord.

Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm.
-- Job 38:1b (NIV)

Note that while God answered Job out of the storm, the confusing season of life he was barely surviving, God also had some questions for Job as well. If you are bold, I invite you to read Job 38 in its entirety.

Holiness Unto The LORD!


KLW said...

The storms of life will come. However, Jesus is always in the midst of the storms. The storms may not be pleasant but God always has control and will bring victory from it.

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

In the storms we are even drawn nearer to the Master or we move further away.