Sunday, August 25, 2024

To Scotland -- Home of Oswald Chambers 

It’s August 25, 2024, and i am about to board a plane from Atlanta, Georgia, to Edinburgh, Scotland.

On October 19, 2011, this journey really began, as i visited the grave of Oswald Chambers in Cairo, Egypt. His writings have mentored me beyond measure as a man and a minister for over 35 years.

i have awaited this sabbatical season in my life to walk in the steps of Oswald Chambers in his native Scotland. i am humbled for the opportunity. 

If you want to know where the vision began, read the biography of Oswald Chambers titled "Abandoned to God." It will explain a lot.

P.S. The Willis Name Coat of Arms in Scotland is marked by this slogan: "As God Wills" (Yes, Deo Volente, in Latin.) 

"Ears Wide Open… Listening…"

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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