Wednesday, October 28, 2020

"Blood on Our Heads" Versus "Let Down the Nets for a Catch"

"It is a terrible thing to awaken people up to a certain point and never give them the chance to act in the same atmosphere. If I preach a particularly searching discourse and never give the people a chance to act according to their inspired instincts at the time, their blood is on my head before the Lord." - Oswald Chambers 

"Preachers are not merely to make speeches for the intellectual entertainment of the listeners. Preachers are to preach messages that engage souls for the purpose of the hearers considering and choosing yes or no for salvation and sanctification versus God-alienation and damnation -- to choose between Heaven or Hell, darkness or light, sin or holiness, etc. In the words of Jesus recorded in Luke 5, we are to be fishers of souls and are expected to "let down the nets for a catch.’" - kww

Hope Happens HERE!

Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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