Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A Prayer Exchange with a Pastor Brother 

Today, I share a text prayer thread recently tenderly exchanged between me and a pastor brother of mine on the Philadelphia District Church of the Nazarene:

Me: In my prayer time this week how might I pray specifically for you, pastor? 

Pastor: Good morning Pastor Kerry. As a Christian, faced with a societal condition of fear and uncertainties, I pray that you continue to press on and shine as light with a message of hope! And to efficaciously do so, we must be grounded afresh in an eternal anchor -- the Word of the Living God. For the Word of God is our solid foundation in any crisis! Pray that in the crushing vulnerabilities of our painful world, I anticipate the victory in God's powerful Word! Pray that in the midst of this Covid-19 affliction, which reminds me of my vulnerable mortality, stop worrying about staying alive, but be more concerned about living the life! Pray that I have eyes to see the implication of this for leadership, discipleship and evangelism. And the need and opportunity to live it out in my present circumstance. Pray that I would be rooted afresh in our Lord's mighty Word, and live for what really matters as i serve the purpose of God in our generation. For the supremacy of God in all things.

Me: Dear Pastor, I am agreeing with you even now in this beautiful and specific and vulnerable prayer. I am reminded of Peter who said, "You, Jesus, alone, have the words of Life." He is our Life. He is the Resurrection. I pray you will know Him in His sweetness and in His power and His kindness and in His peace today and day-by-day. Thank you for being a pastor and my heart cries out "Maranatha." 

Pastor: Yes, living life with a "Maranatha Mindset."

Me: It’s our deepest HOPE!!!

Pastor: And, the sound of His approach is music to our hearts!

Me: "Hallelujah! Even so, Come Lord Jesus!"

Note: Both of us were raised on islands, me on Harkers Island, N.C. and my pastor brother, on the island country of Haiti.

Hope Happens HERE!

Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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