Thursday, November 1, 2018

“The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail”

It was invigorating preaching revival last night, Halloween, in Williamsport, PA. I really did not plan it this way it’s just how the Lord led me, but believe it or not, I preached from Matthew 16, concluding with these words spoken by Jesus: “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!” 

Indeed, it was a night of power and awesomeness. I don’t remember when I sensed the Lord’s presence and anointing more. It was like He was wearing me like a garment, giving me every word. I am truly and forever a debtor to God’s faithfulness. 

Just before the service began. 

Kim put together three bags of candy for each child present. They were so thrilled. 

This thought permeated my prayer life last night before bedtime. 

Presence Matters Most!
That is... Presence. Unity. Souls. Love.

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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