Monday, May 19, 2014

NEVERTHELESS... Exclusively God's! (Miracles)

This morning I awoke with the nagging pain of what I believe to be a ciatic nerve issue. It is a recurring health issue for me, but having enjoyed about a 6-month reprieve from the physical suffering it can bring, about two weeks ago it started to flare-up again. 

Please know that I am not whining because I realize there is suffering for everyone in the human race. I do however request your prayers for my physical limitations and have been praying for myself especially this morning.

You see, in the days ahead I have a multiple-day, overseas journey and traveling with pain is quite different than being at home with pain. Plus, the journey's destination requires a great amount of walking and even some climbing. Ciatic nerve pain and lots of walking and some climbing don't mix well.

So, where am I headed to? It's my 11th Discipleship Journey to The Holy Land. Yes, we have about 25 people from the States who will cross the Pond with us and about 15 from Germany who will join us on the other side. (I guess now you understand more clearly why I ask for your prayers.) I really want to feel well enough to encourage and inspire the hearts and minds of those journeying with me. I want the trip to be about Jesus not about Kerry. 

This morning my prayers echoed the prayers of my Lord as He called out to The Father in Gethsemane:

"NEVERTHELESS... Not my will but Thine be done."

Sometimes, I have come to know that personal, physical pain often points to great, spiritual gain. So, as I trust God with my own physical needs, I am truly anticipating a great miracle on this trip.

When you think of me, I really do appreciate prayers for physical strength, however, after you pray for me please pray for a great miracle in the life of at least one person who will be traveling with me. 

I know God is able to heal and I also choose to believe He is willing to once again show himself to be our Great God of mercy and compassion. 

Miracles can still happen in our lives because Jesus lives with and within those of us who are exclusively His. 


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