Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Update: Capt. Billy, Round #3 Chemo

Today, my Dad, Captain Billy, will endure his third round of chemotherapy as his sacred cancer journey continues. Recently, Dad told me: "Let your people know not to slack up praying for me." 

Speaking of praying, this morning our Dawn Patrol Men's Prayer Team met as usual at 6:10 a.m. However, God unusually moved in on our hearts. It all began as I read aloud these words penned by Andrew Murray: "If we are to be people who pray, we must be people who love."

One of the men stood and presented me with a gift for my Dad -- an art piece of an anchor created in wood produced by chip carving. The prayermen each personally signed the back of the art piece. My heart was wondrously warmed. Why? I know these men pray for my Dad because they love him. Humbling.

Let us all be inspired by 1 Peter 4:8 (NIV) -- "Above all, love each other deeply."

The strong prayer song on my heart through the night and still this morning is:

"More love, more power,
More of You in my life!"

Love Never Fails!

"If you're gonna hang your head, hang it upward so you can see the face of God." -- Capt. Billy 


Martin LaBar said...

God's best for him, and those who love him.

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Appreciate your well-wishes and prayers.