Thursday, November 21, 2013

God is Great! God is Good!

Today, I have been thinking and talking about The Goodness and The Greatness of Our Almighty God. 

The Prophet Isaiah asked, "Who is like The Lord!" The answer is obvious: "There is no one!"

Let me encourage you by saying, "God is willing to be your Helper." Too often we focus more on helping God, which is really a funny thought in itself. While He wants us to partner with Him in miracles, God is not helpless without us like we are helpless without Him! 

So, let God help you by inviting Him to help Himself to your life. You can trust His Goodness to deliver Greatness for your good and for His glory. 

Indeed, God is Great.
And God is Good!

Holiness Unto The LORD!


Mark Spruill said...

Thanks. I needed that. Wonderfully encouraging words.


i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Bless you Mark. Your vulnerability encourages me deeply.