Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Oh, Lord, You're Beautiful!" My Maundy Thursday Prayer

Dearest Lord:

The early mornings during this Passion Week have been moving for my heart, mind, soul, and strength. To see the splendor of a full moon vying for attention with the brilliant colors of each sunrise has been spectacular.

What I'm trying to say is, "Oh Lord, You're Beautiful!" I cannot grasp the magnitude of Your Love. How could the very God who tells the sun, moon, and stars when to rise and shine also have cared so much about my seemingly insignificant soul to actually become human like me. And why did you become human like me? So, You could become the Supreme, Sacrificial Lamb of God and be slaughtered to make atonement for my sin? Unfathomable! Unimaginable! Undeniable! That's what Your compassion is to me, my God.

Finally, I thank You that until You can get me safe and sound to Your eternal Home in Heaven, You have made Your Home in me. As I worship You today, Maundy Thursday, may You surely sense the depth of my full devotion for You, as I truly realize the massive debt of love I owe to You.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Click here: Oh Lord, You're Beautiful - Keith Green - YouTube

Jesus, You were dead. But on Easter Sunday You told Yourself to "rise and shine". Indeed, I give you the glory, glory!

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