Sunday, December 13, 2009

His Arms-Wide-Open, Crying Invitation

From His first cry at His birth in Bethlehem's manger to His final cry at His death on Jerusalem's cross, God's Only Son had His Arms-Wide-Open inviting us to enter a love-relationship with the Trinity that begins on earth and continues for Eternity. Good news, indeed!

And the Good News gets Gooder, in that, His Arms-Wide-Open, Crying Invitation is still being extended to us. Christmastime accents the Christ Child's invitation. Let's respond to His invitation and let's invite others to also come to Bethlehem's Boy, yes Calvary's Lamb, for Heaven's forgiveness at Christmastime and all the time. We can turn His crying into laughing by receving The Gift of His Life with our Arms-Wide-Open and by sharing The Gift of His Life with our Arms-Wide-Open to others.



pastor paul said...

What a beautiful truth and precious is my relationship in Christ. I'm held tightly in the arms of the Risen Savior!

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Your life surrendered to Him makes Him laugh aloud, instead of crying. I believe in you and in WHO'S in you!

James Spruill said...

A good word my brother.

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Thanks for your time James.

Anonymous said...

Cool thought! Jesus whith his arms wide open for me, and encouraging me to do the same for others. Reminds me of a story Bob Benson told in Trevecca chapel years ago. Someone asked him why he always got hugs when greeting people at church when all they got were handshakes. He said, "I just open my arms and people walked right in." I never forgot that story.


i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Thanks Mark. Never met Bob Benson but wish I had. Thanks for the encouraging words.

Martin LaBar said...

Thanks. I guess I needed to be reminded of that.

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Consider yourselves embraced. Place yourselves between these quotes for an electronic, group embrace: