Sunday, December 19, 2021

Is Drinking Alcohol Ever Wise? 

Some have asked me: "Is drinking alcohol always wrong?" 

i answer that question lovingly, yet sincerely with another question: "Is drinking alcohol ever wise?" 

And, another question comes to mind: "Isn’t causing someone to stumble, wrong?"

i once preached a weeklong campmeeting in North Carolina. One night at the altar time, a little girl, maybe 8-years-old, came alone and stood directly in front of me. When i leaned over and whispered, "What is your need," with tender tears she replied instantly. "My Daddy’s Drinking." 

Matthew 18:6 is very tender on my heart, even now, as i remember the home that little girl had to exist in. i hope our weeping prayer together that night healed her Dad’s lifestyle and changed her future. 

These thoughts about "Daddy" bring me to another wise reason for me to abstain from alcohol: "i want to honor my Daddy and my ancestors, who as far as i can remember, lived lives to the full without drinking alcohol -- back in the days -- when boundaries really mattered. i don’t want to ever move those "ancient boundaries." Lord have mercy. 

Finally, what if "our" drinking alcohol isn’t mainly about whether "we" can or cannot drink, but it’s about being hope to others who are desperate because of alcohol, and in the midst of their pain they just need one genuine example of someone Jesus is empowering to live life to the full totally apart from alcohol?

Just thinking and praying.

And, i have been called radical before, and i am good with that. So, blame it on my Loving God and Loving My Family and Loving My Neighbors [That includes anyone reading these words.]

P.S. And, it’s not about legalism. Surrender that.  It really is about Love. -kww 

* "As for whoever causes these little ones who believe in me to trip and fall into sin, it would be better for them to have a huge stone hung around their necks and be drowned in the bottom of the lake." Matthew‬ ‭18:6‬ ‭CEB‬‬

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