Saturday, January 8, 2011

But God Had Listened to Abraham's Request

(23) The sun was rising as Lot reached the village. (24) Then the LORD rained down fire and burning sulfur from the heavens on Sodom and Gomorrah. (25) He utterly destroyed them, along with the other cities and villages of the plain, eliminating all life—people, plants, and animals alike. (26) But Lot’s wife looked back as she was following along behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. (27) The next morning Abraham was up early and hurried out to the place where he had stood in the LORD’S presence. (28) He looked out across the plain to Sodom and Gomorrah and saw columns of smoke and fumes, as from a furnace, rising from the cities there. (29) But God had listened to Abraham’s request and (though God did not spare Sodom and Gomorrah, God) kept Lot safe, removing him from the disaster that engulfed the cities on the plain. -- Genesis 19:23-29 (NLT)

...God remembered Abraham...
-- Genesis 19:29 (NKJV)

God, Who knows the heart...
--Acts 15:8a (NIV)

The earnest prayer of a righteous person (one person in right relationship with God) has great power and wonderful results.
-- James 5:16b (NLT)

Lord, let me be in right relationship with You, especially because my loved ones may be depending on my requests -- both spoken and unspoken -- for Your mercy in their lives. All in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. And Amen.



KLW said...

Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross
I hope that we have not too quickly forgotten that
Our God is an awesome God
Our God is an awesome God
Our God is an awesome God
Our God is an awesome God)

Michael W. Smith

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

His mercy is new every morning! Amazing!

Martin LaBar said...

The Bible doesn't record that Abraham actually prayed that Lot and his family be saved from the disaster that befell Sodom. Perhaps it just didn't mention it, and he did so pray. But it seems more likely, since it records his "bargaining" with God about the number of righteous people in the city, that he didn't ask God for that. But God must have known his heart's desire for Lot, who was rescued because of Abraham, not because of any righteousness of his own.

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

I agree... And I think when Abraham asked God to spare the city, while God didn;t do that, God saved Abraham's family because as we sometimes say in church, "Are there any unspoken requests? If so signify by the uplifted hand." Surely, God knew Abraham's desire for Lot and His seemingly "unspoken request". Thanks Martin.:-)

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Also, for clarification, I added the NKJV words for Genesis 19:29a -- "...God remembered Abraham..."