Thursday, May 28, 2020

My Personal Confession Regarding Race 

[i sensed the Lord asked me to write my personal confession regarding race. i have obediently done my best.]

My heart honestly aches for every precious soul that is feeling faint, fearful, furious, or forgotten -- simply and profoundly -- because of the color of your skin. You are created in the image of Almighty God, so you are surely purposefully and wonderfully made as pleasing in His eyes. Yet you hurt, and your pain is deep in my heart. i want to begin by asking for forgiveness when my silence has added to your pain. 

While i don’t pretend to comprehend your experiences in life, i want to lean in prayerfully and listen carefully until i comprehend your story more completely. 

i cannot know the devastating weight of your unique sorrows, the deep throbbing of your personal pain, or the undeniable challenge of your daily hope, nevertheless, i know Jesus already cares the most for you, and He also knows, i truly want to care more and more and more for you, too.

Please pray for me to ultimately understand more fully your feelings and to respond rightly to your reality. Pray that my actions will be compassionate from your perspective and my attitudes will be encouraging to your soul. 

Finally, please forgive me if my words do not yet come close enough to being absolutely believable to you. Pray that my life lived over the long-haul will be the greatest convincer that what i have written is also written on my heart.

Now, i pray for you, that you will know your life truly matters more than mere words could adequately explain or actually contain. You really are precious in His sight and in mine. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.    

i am a debtor to Almighty God and i am a debtor to every other soul ever born. And i mean "every" soul.

i am truly humbled you would take your valuable time to read my honest confession.

-- kerry w. willis 🧎🏾[My prayer in song below]

Hope Happens HERE! 

Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis

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