Friday, May 8, 2020

Evangelism, Awakening, Revival 

This morning on Facebook, a dear friend from my distant childhood asked me this question:

"In your opinion, what is the difference between ‘Revival’ and ‘Awakening?’ No rush on the answer."

My reply came in two parts:

Part 1: "i think there are many good answers to that good question. i am seeking the Lord before i answer. Stay tuned."

After 1/2 hour of silent saturation...

Part 2: "Remember there are many good answers: For now before i humbly attempt to note the difference between revival and awakening may i first define one difference i see between "evangelism and awakening." 

i think evangelism is when we as believers are seeking the unbelievers; while awakening is when unbelievers begin to seek or open their eyes to the Lord for themselves. 

i see revival as the personal experience after one has experienced evangelism and/or awakening and the continuation of evangelism and awakening that touches many souls, even whole communities and beyond. For example in John 4, Jesus as Savior did evangelism by showing up at the well in Samaria. The woman at the well had an awakening, her eyes were opened and she experienced revival in her soul that she could not contain. Then, as a result of her awakening and revival within her, she became the evangelist and went to the people of her town as a witness of Jesus. They in turn — after hearing her story — sought to see Jesus for themselves and upon seeing and hearing Him, they too witnessed an awakening and thereby, experienced revival that they could not contain and so revival broke out through the village that lasted 2 more days. [John 4:3-4].

i hope these humble replies help. I have stopped asking for awakening and am now thanking God for awakening, simply because more hearts than ever are seeking to see and hear Jesus for themselves. We are in a season where we don’t have to chase unbelievers. No, they are ‘showing up’ looking for answers for their own lives." -kww

My friend’s reply to my reply:

"Very good explanation. Thank you so much. I too, feel that the hearts and souls of people are longing and seeking something to fill the deep despair they are experiencing. What a wonderful time to be an evangelist for Christ. The fields are white."

My last response:

"And thanks for asking a good question. i am praying the Holy Spirit can work unhindered in these days."

Hope Happens HERE!

Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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