Thursday, April 10, 2014

Refresher on Lifesaving

Prayers are absolutely appreciated as our 20th Annual Keepers of the Light Men's Retreat has launched. 95 men and boys make up our crew this year.

As is our tradition, we began with a refresher course on the value of souls as we heard the stories of those who once served as lifesavers of those in distress along the Atlantic Ocean.

When souls were perishing in deadly sea storms, the lifesaving teams of yesteryear did not shrink back but led from their mission statement: "The lifesaving book says we have to go out. If doesn't say anything about coming back."



KLW said...

Jesus Christ allowed himself to die on a cross for your soul. His death pays the penalty for the sins of those who believe on Him by faith

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Amen and Amen again.