Thursday, April 17, 2014

Passion Week Snapshot #4 -- "Is Anyone Thirsty?"

It's Maunday Thursday and I am presently sitting in the sanctuary at our local church watching ministers prepare Good Friday remembrance stations of our Lord's Life and Passion. It's warming my heart.

Tomorrow, Good Friday, is a big day for those devoted to Jesus. The heaviness of Good Friday is full of holiness for those who love The Lord. 

While multiple stations are being prepared, right now five ladies are preparing "The Living Water" station just to my left. The setting is based on John 4 -- the New Testament story of Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman. The banner at the top of the reflection area asks this question: "Who do you know that needs Living Water?" What a personal question! 

So, as we prepare our hearts and minds to remember The One Who came to seek and to save the lost, to quench every soul's thirst for a Savior, this question makes the idea very personal. "Who do I know... who do you know... that needs Living Water?"

Yes, Jesus died on Good Friday for the whole world and I am reminded even now that his saving mission includes each and every individual that I know. In fact, Jesus gave this awesome invitation to the whole world through one lost and thirsty woman of Samaria. He said to her -- an audience of one -- "I Am The Living Water." She must've received the offer, because Scripture says she ran back to town leaving her water pitcher behind.  

Amazing, indeed. Jesus surely died for all of the lost and thirsty individuals of the world. That includes you and me. In fact, Jesus said: "If anyone is thirsty... Come to me and drink!" (John 7:37)



KLW said...

It is fascinating to see how this describes the mission of Jesus - that he came to atone for sin and pour out God's Spirit in the world. But in order to receive this new life, they had to come to him and drink, from the true source of Living Water.

i am Grateful... Kerry i am. said...

Amen...And never thirst for Truth again... for He is The Truth!