Saturday, September 23, 2023

"Faith Placed in Deception" Breaks My Heart 

Want to know what breaks my heart? Faith placed in deception!

Lean in…

One of the greatest deceptions of our day seems to be the false belief that when we die there’s only one destination for our souls to end up for Eternity. The Holy Bible says there are two -- Heaven and Hell. Only the Way of The Cross of Jesus Christ offers us authentic Hope and really leads us to a Heavenly Home for forever as we turn from Sin and turn to Him. All other avenues lead our souls far away from Heaven. There are also many false ideas about who Jesus Himself really is. Yes, there are different versions of "Jesus." Imagine that? Which Jesus are you placing your trust in? Are you focused on the One and Only Beloved Son of God described correctly only in The Holy Bible. Which destination will be yours for Eternity? If you are unsure about these essential truths, please carefully and prayerfully investigate and make sure your salvation is truly authentic before it’s too late. The devil loves when souls are lost by placing and keeping their faith in deception." -kww 

"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death." Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭25‬ ‭NIV‬‬

*Shared in tender love.

Just remember Jesus cares!

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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