Friday, June 24, 2022

Humble Repentance 

"It’s not too late to do the right thing. Our humble repentance always moves the heart of Almighty God." -kww

i am humbly and deeply praying, even now, for all of us who claim to belong exclusively to Holy God. i am also specifically interceding for the Supreme Court Justices who seem to realize with renewed conviction and courage that our country’s collective conscience has been looking the other way for far too long. Lord, hear our confessions, forgive us our trespasses against You as we forgive those who have trespassed against us, and begin to bring Your healing to our lives and to our land. Let the desires of Your heart, Dearest Lord, find renewed devotion within us and do not take Your Holy Presence from us. In the Name of Jesus, i fervently pray. Amen. -kww

Deo Volente -- as God wills.

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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