Friday, February 25, 2022

Prayer for King Jesus to Reign In Our Seasons of Burden 

Almighty Abba Father, thank You that You hear our prayers. The burden of this world seems especially heavy some days. Today, is one of those “some days.”

Wars and rumors of wars abound. Clouds of darkness threaten to disturb our hearts, minds, and souls. Nevertheless, You are still our Reigning Prince of Peace. You are surely drawing near to us as we are desperately drawing near to You. We recognize these truths by faith. Help us to realize these truths undeniably, too, as we keep on trusting You. 

Spiritual warfare also rages all around us during these unusual days. Enlarge our awareness of Your presence in our lives. Embolden us in faithfulness, servanthood, love, belief, prayer, holiness, and Christlike attitude. We want to be at all times Your sanctified sanctuaries, yes, true carriers of Your life, love, and light in a seemingly hopeless world. 

We know that Your Eternal Holiness has dominion over our temporal heaviness. Reign over us and within us, King Jesus. Surely, You are with us always to the very end of the age. Amen. 

With gladness.

Pastor Kerry Willis 

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