Sunday, February 16, 2020

Unity Fuels Our God-Given Vision

During my first year as a local pastor, 1994, I realized that true vision from our Lord’s perspective is really understood best in one five-letter word -- "UNITY!" 

For twenty-four years I refused to release that word from my mind and my ministry and especially my messages. I also continually saturated in John 17, the chapter that records our Lord’s prayer for our "UNITY" and I am absolutely sure that our "UNITY" was the key to whatever spiritual success we enjoyed together as pastor and people. It’s the only reason we could dare to have big dreams in a small town. 

As a result, our local congregation grew spiritually and numerically. Yes, we served hope and holiness to our community and beyond, even around the world and our fellowship of worshippers expanded from 120 to 1,200 in those twenty-four years. Our last year of ministry together as pastor, staff and people, we recorded 454 personal conversions. (Yes, once we tallied what God had performed from every facet of our fellowship and outreach hat was the one-year number for souls saved.)

I will never forget one Sunday morning when we had a spontaneous baptism service and approximately 200 went public with their testimony and were baptized. Wonderfully staggering to my own soul.

That’s why I never ever underestimate the power and the possibilities of "UNITY" within Holy Spiritual communities of faith. 

Recently, I heard Dr. David Busic say: "Without unity there is no community and without community there is no mission!" "UNITY" certainly helps us find our God-ordained mission but even more so, "UNITY" surely fuels our God-given vision, making Holy Oneness through His Love our reality. And we remember "where there is no vision the people perish!" (Proverbs 29:18 KJV)

This song has been a staple of my own soul for many years and continues to be. Enjoy. Then, engage "UNITY" and be ready to be wondrously overwhelmed with what’s possible.

HERE! Presence Matters Most!

No Invisible People! UNITY!

Pastor Kerry Willis

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