Monday, December 2, 2019

Advent Assurances. Increase Peace.

In Luke’s Gospel, we find Advent assurances, yes, comforting words from the Heavenly angel and the Nazarene virgin, yes spoken words to increase our peace concerning God’s faithfulness.

First, hear the words of the Heavenly angel named Gabriel: 

"For every promise from God shall surely come true!" Luke 1:37, Living Letters 

Second, hear the words from the Nazarene virgin named Mary:

"He has not forgotten His promise to be merciful." Luke 1:54:b, Living Letters 

Let us claim these Advent assurances as our own. Let us saturate again and again in these written words of comfort spoken by Gabriel and Mary.

Finally, here’s a Christmas song from my own playlist that also delivers Advent assurance in my own life. As you listen, I pray that your peace will increase.

Presence Matters Most! No Invisible People!


Pastor Kerry Willis 

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