Saturday, July 20, 2019

I Kind of Lean Old-School, Nevertheless... 

Every year during July I start moving dates over to a new calendar so I can begin to record the following year’s dates, etc. Honestly, I am pretty tech-savvy in communications, like the iPhone, the iPad, etc. however, I still prefer an old-school paper calendar. Can’t really explain it. Just feels right to my old-school brain so I guess it’s fair to say I continue to be a dinasaur when it comes to scheduling my life. 

Come to think of it, I’m still old-school about other things, too. For example: 

* I still insist on attending a local church on almost every Sunday morning. 

* I love black-and-white photography and scratchy-sounding music from old vinyl records. 

* I like playing and hearing vintage, acoustic drum-sets over newer, electronic drums.

* I love the fragrance of a real Christmas tree in December (though I tolerate an artificial one because it makes post-holiday clean-up so much easier.)

* When it comes to communication of the Gospel, I am much more of an old story-teller at heart, than an up-to-date power-point user. 

Yes, I kind of lean old-school, it’s true, nevertheless, this has been the hottest summer day of the year and tomorrow promises to be even more of a scorcher, so let me be clear! I desire a modern, air-conditioned environment over sweating myself silly like people did in the old days. In fact, with the good gift of AC, these are the good old days! :) 

Presence Matters Most! No Invisible People!


Pastor Kerry Willis 

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