Saturday, December 12, 2015

Mr. Orville -- 8 Medals for Heroism

I casually spoke with "him" near the old-timey candy section in the local Cracker Barrel Restaurant and General Store. We were waiting to be seated for lunch. I was with my wife and friends. He was with his caretaker. 

Once he was seated, I introduced myself and he returned the gesture. "I'm Orville" he said, "and I'm 96-years-old." 

Noticing he was wearing a military veteran's cap, "I thanked him for his service and asked if I could please buy lunch for him and his caretaker, Jennifer?" He said, "Thank You." As he cried tenderly, I echoed "Thank you" to him. 

Humbly he told me he was the recipient of 8 medals for heroism in World War 2 and he also raised the American flag at Okinawa. "Wow" I said, then added "You are a true hero, indeed, Mr.Orville."

I went on to tell him I was so glad he had Jesus and Jennifer to take care of him. He agreed and said " Thanks for saying that." 

I snapped a quick picture of us together. Click photo below for full-frame. 

Give away your life... Staying humble and tender as you age. 


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